Tuesday, November 9, 2021

CRT Nuance Does Not Belong in K12

I recently watched a podcast were an elitist progressive countered a parent's argument regarding having a say in their child's education, by saying the parents don't understand  the nuance of being an educator. It made me think that there really is no, or should not be any nuance in K12 education. The children need to learn reading, writing, arithmetic, history and civics. Nuance only enters the picture when teachers try to interject indoctrination and social engineering. This of course is from the Democrats that have a history of racism that goes back to their inception. And all anyone has to do is read the racist statements President Biden has made throughout his career to know it has not stopped (when candidate  Obama first came on the scene Biden remarked  on how remarkable it was he has an articulate and clean black man; apparently viewing other black politicians as inarticulate  and dirty).  A good example is CRT, which is one of the most racist theories ever created. It reverses MLK Jr dream of a color blind society where people are judged by the content of their character,  to a hellish world where one is only judged by their identity and assuming all individuals  within any group all think the same and are constantly being assailed and subjugated by the white race. This goes along with the Democrat skewed version of identity politics, where minorities are defined not by the color of their skin, sex or sexual preference, but by their political worldview. As then candidate Joe Biden said, if you don't vote Democrat, you're not black. IOW, unless you kowtow to the old white Democrat elite, you can not even define yourself by your own skin color. The point being, in most ways, the Democrats only play identity politics if the person identifies as a Democrat, other wise they do not have the right to identify themselves by their sex, skin color sexual preference; you either kowtow with the Democrat elite or you are a white supremacist, regardless of your skin color (nothing brings out Democrat's blatant  racism than a black conservative; it is truly appalling to listen to such vile and naked hatred that the left has for blacks that don't kowtow to old white liberals thinking; its black liberalsthat are the true ventriloquist dummies. And this is what CRT teaches.

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