Friday, November 26, 2021

Transgender Women Live a Life of Gender Misappropriation

I find it horrorific that after over a century of hard fought women's rights, the left has  decided these rights should now exclude woman and now belong to men who simply identify as women. This also includes women's hard fought equity in sports programs that are also being invaded and sometimes taken over by trans men. It has literally become the case that Democrats have decided the rights of men with gender  dysmorphia (and those faking gender dysmorphia to victimize women) take presidence over the rights and safety of women. In other words, the left, like it did with the working class, has completely abandoned women rights for the privilege of a minority of men; if ever there was a war on women this is it. 

The other issue facing the transgender war on women is the fact that women in most societies are protected and for very good reasons. First women are weaker than men, they also bear children; neither is true about transgender men. If a male has gone through puberty, he will have all the muscular and skeletal advanges of a male for the rest of his life, even with testosterone blockers and reassignment surgery. In essence transgender men illegitimately misappropriate the protections society has given women. Unlike Transgender misappropriation, cultural misappropriation is fallacy, the actions it pretends to definite are nothing more than mankind's incredibly strong desire to imitate what it sees as productive or pleasurable; in other words if is one of the driving forces of biological evolution, but transgender misappropriation steals from women and by doing so eliminates any possiblity of equity.

This has also been part of the way Critical Race Theory is being taught in both universities and K12. CRT is being used to discount and demonize science and math. Particular to this discussion CRT teaches gender and biological sex are the same, both being purely of social construct, resulting in the demonization of the science of biology and those stating simple biological facts, who are being declared transphobic and ostracized from schools, academic and even non-academic employment. It is literally become a form of totalitarianism where people are being forced to renounce reality; if you can force people to deny what they know is factual, you will have complete control over them. ‘Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.’ George Orwell 

Women are being told they should accept intact males (in one poll 23% of transsexuals said they are heterosexual*) into their previously safe places. Specifically lesbians are told to accept (even as sexual partners) intact trans men that identify as lesbians, and women of all ages and sexual persuasions need to just deal with being in close proximity to naked men with penises. In essence we should all be TERFs** in order to protect the women in our society.

**Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist.

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