Tuesday, June 30, 2020

How Democrats Usurped The Civil Rights Movement to Spread Marxism

While some may call the civil strife that is happening throughout our country a cultural revolution, they are wrong; further it is not about racism. What is happening is the useful idiots of antifa and the radical/violent members of BLM have usurped the civil rights movement to force Marxism on the country. To explain this, the American people have never embraced Marxism (eg Communism), but they have always been sensitive to racism. So what a better way to force communism on Americans, than calling it anti-racism. The woke or anti-racism movement has redefined racism, not as viewing a race as inferior, but as any system where individual outcomes are not equal; in other words the need for forced equality through redistribution. You'll notice there is no mention of race and that is because anti-racism is about structural inequality, not prejudice. And once again, just like 50 years under Democrat domination, the plight of the black man will not change.
