Monday, November 29, 2021

The Narcissism of The Woke Worldview

Even a cursory view of the woke worldview shows it is bases in narsism. Narcissist do not understand lateral love, they only understand adulation. This further exacerbated by social media where one can create an infallible personna that lives in their smartphone, which is often their only connection to the outside world. The problem is we are human beings and by definition fallible and hopelessly flawed. This results in the need of the woke to continually isolate themselves for fear that any personal contact will lead to the destruction of the facade they have created to conceal their true fallible selves.

The truly views themselves as inclusive; as a matter of fact the woke movement is based on the concept of radical inclusion. But like all things on the fringe, end up being the opposite; that being discriminatory and exclusive. The reason is rather than looking to be inclusive, they instead search out those that are flawed and and in there warped worldview,  non-inclusive, which at some point is everyone

This is the idiocy of the woke cancel culture, which is based on ignoring we are all flawed and broken and is perpetratored by a vocal minority, who are just as guilty as anyone else of violating their woke worldview, such as attacking racism using the most racist means imaginable, which blindly lacks any forgiveness and /or redemption; it is simply  a denial of what Carl Jung said is the need to integrate one's shadow. Further the haters, with little to no life experience, use contemporary values to judge the past without realizing they will be judged  just as harshly for their current behavior which will be deemed completely unacceptable in the future by the next generation of self-aggrandized wokesters . In other words its a live and die by the sword existence, where people are so frightened and ashamed of their hidden anti-social and racist feelings, they must lash out at others thinking it will somehow square things with their refusal to accept their own shadows.

Unfortunately the woke /cancel culture ends up harming a lot of good people who most of these purveyors of woke are simply unworthy to judge. In essence the Democrat woke/ cancel is based purely on narcissism. It is a bizzaro take on the Christian parable, that if they cast stones it will somehow absolve them of the fact that they are human and therefore imperfect and irredeemable broken.

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