Monday, July 12, 2021

The Extreme Racsim of CRT and the Left

 Proverbs 24

30 I walked by the field of a lazy person,
the vineyard of one with no common sense.
31 I saw that it was overgrown with nettles.
It was covered with weeds,
and its walls were broken down.
32 Then, as I looked and thought about it,
I learned this lesson:
33 A little extra sleep, a little more slumber,
a little folding of the hands to rest—
34 then poverty will pounce on you like a bandit;
scarcity will attack you like an armed robber.
If one is to take CRT  (Critical Race Theory), as it is being taught in K-12, the question needs to be asked, what do the positive social behaviors of western culture with the accusations of“white-supremacy"; examples are showing up on time, the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) “worship of the written word,” “individualism” and “objectivity” "competence". "merit", "integration", equality,  and even "diversity". CRT is a race obsessive belief system, that started in US Law Schools, but quickly expanded into the humanities and is now being forced in public schools (K-12) that teaches racial hatred and  tribalism, where one's identity or tribe defines them, resulting in white supremacy and racial; one could actually say that CRT creates a white supremacy worldview where it did even exist before. And this is not even necessarily of social construct, but a result of your birth, or a birth right so to speak.   It also teaches that western culture has rigged society from it's inception in a way to keep the white race in power and  oppress minorities, specifically blacks. The idea that one can be born an oppressor is the same argument Hitler made about the Jews, so you have CRT and groups like antifa and BLM, embracing the most chilling aspect of NAZI fascism.

Much of this is warmed over Marxism Critical Theory where economic inequality, is replaced with racial oppressor vs the oppressed; in essence it's about giving up individual freedoms in the name of the security and fairness rabbit hole; IOW everyone be economically reduced to the lost common denominator with equal oppression. What has been added is the racism that has always been endemic in leftist intellectualism, specifically against blacks.. The fact is the left views blacks as inferior, so any argument of  equality of opportunity is moot in the mind of the left Intelligentsia. What is the point of a level playing field if one the of the teams is so inferior that are simply incapable of winning, regardless of any advantage or lack there of. If one looks at the history of western culture, there has always been a emphases on intelligence, aka cognitive ability. But if you are of the belief that blacks lack the cognitive ability of other races, than one could say, as does the left, that the deck is always been stacked against blacks even when equality of opportunity exists. BTW, I say blacks because the left has concentrated on the black race for the majority of their rhetoric (eg BLM) and it is the black race that is the primary victim of Democrat and left wing racism.

In many ways CRT is simply a hyper version of what has been called the soft racism from the left (BTW there is no such thing as soft racism, it is just as hard core racist as southern Democrat slavery). For years, Democrats in the US have insisted that blacks simply can not compete against whites, with or without a level playing field, hence affirmative action and black studies,  programs designed to circumvent the lack of preparedness for higher education, much of which is due the poor education and the lack of socialization of blacks in Democrat run cities. These government run ghettos, where gang warfare, rampant drug use, poverty,  and a lack of family structure, has lead to a lack of education and a predisposition towards the lack of personal responsibility, based on ones victim-hood. For decades blacks have been told they are not to blame for their anti-social behavior, yet their anti-social behavior is the primary barrier that stops blacks from becoming part of mainstream America and economic prosperity. This is true, even though the leadership demographics of these run these cities, are almost always a large black majority, yet the social justice warriors of CRT blames the oppression of  blacks is the result of them having been excluded from positions responsibility and power. This history of the destruction of the black family and culture due to the lefts belief in black inferiority was well documented by Lawrence Soloman   Systemic Racism Exists

So what does CRT offer? The answer is chilling; social disintegration and racial hatred in the name of fairness. The end game is of course Communism; make western culture the scapegoat of the fact that life lacks fairness, lie about the fact that blacks are excluded from power and decision making and offer up totalitarian forced equality (aka equity) as the answer. In other words fairness at all costs, even if it destroys the free world and makes everyone hate each other to do it. But even worse, by creating the myth that one can be born racist solely on ones identity,  CRT  teaches children how to be racists, instilling in them something akin to racial hatred in the name of indoctrination toward a political belief system that has always been based on lies. "They knew what they were doing was a lie. I knew what they were doing was a lie. Everybody here knows what they were doing is a lie. They know that we know they’re lying and yet they continue to lie and they lied and they lied and they lied." If the 20th century taught us anything it is the end result of totalitarian utopia is worse than death, it is living hell

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