Monday, November 22, 2021

Mainstream Media Forced the Riddenhouse Narrative so Hard it Broke

In my last blog I showed how practically everything that was written by the mainstream media about the Riddenhouse trial was a lie. What has also become obvious is this was to force their white supremacy narrative for which they have few if any real examples to report on.

Here are some examples I posted earlier; "Riddenhouse is a white supremacist"; the truth is Riddenhouse is not associated with any groups at all, other than idolizing police officers. "Riddenhouse carried his AR-15 across state lines"; no Riddenhouse Ar-15 was bought for him by a friend who lives in Kenosha and was kept their by his friend (every lying account says he crossed state lines with his AR-15,  as if there was something wrong or illegal about it, but neither is true. The lie is likely looking for a nexus to a federal violation so the FBI and DOJ could charge Riddenhouse with a federal violation). "Riddenhouse was a vigilante"; no, Riddenhouse went to Kenosha to protect property and provide first aid to those who were injured in the rioting (prior to the shootings he was filmed discussing this very thing as he showed off his first-aid kit).
 Riddenhouse actually spent the previous day removing graffiti from a school in Kenosha. 

Probably the worst attempt to force the white supremacist narrative was several mainstream reports that Riddenhouse shot three black men, even though they were white; one was a child rapist, one had a history of domestic violence and the surviving subject was pointing a hand gun at Riddenhouse, when Riddenhouse shot him. 

There is also the fact "The riots were sparked by the officer-involved shooting of Jacob Blake, a black man. Blake is still alive, though everyone on the left thought he was dead. This was the first sign that liberal America has no clue what's going on." From 

There are also those playing the what if game. What if Riddenhouse had been black? Would the outcome had been the same? The left says no, but they reality is we don't know. First and foremost, race was simply not a fact in this case, but the left can't let it go. As my dad used to say, if the dog would not have stopped to shit it would have caught the rabbit; or would it have? Rabbits are fast and live in holes in the ground. What didn't happen, didn't happen; there numerous scenarios that could have played out from a murder conviction  to tha DA not even filing charges, but the outcome can never be known so the speculation is nothing more than race  baiting.

Finally we have a slew of elected Democrats villianizing Riddenhouse, calling him a white supremacist and vigilante, before any facts were known and even after he was found not guilty. President Biden is especially guilty of this, saying he was angry at the verdict even though he admitted not following the trial and refused to comment on his earlier and unsubstantiated accusation that Riddenhouse was a white supremacist. 

Fortunately, as a result of the press coverage of the verdict, at least the fact the subjects shot by Riddenhouse were white is becoming more common knowledge, and people are finally starting to question, how a white kid, shootings three white men is the act of a white supremacist.

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