Monday, November 29, 2021

The Narcissism of The Woke Worldview

Even a cursory view of the woke worldview shows it is bases in narsism. Narcissist do not understand lateral love, they only understand adulation. This further exacerbated by social media where one can create an infallible personna that lives in their smartphone, which is often their only connection to the outside world. The problem is we are human beings and by definition fallible and hopelessly flawed. This results in the need of the woke to continually isolate themselves for fear that any personal contact will lead to the destruction of the facade they have created to conceal their true fallible selves.

The truly views themselves as inclusive; as a matter of fact the woke movement is based on the concept of radical inclusion. But like all things on the fringe, end up being the opposite; that being discriminatory and exclusive. The reason is rather than looking to be inclusive, they instead search out those that are flawed and and in there warped worldview,  non-inclusive, which at some point is everyone

This is the idiocy of the woke cancel culture, which is based on ignoring we are all flawed and broken and is perpetratored by a vocal minority, who are just as guilty as anyone else of violating their woke worldview, such as attacking racism using the most racist means imaginable, which blindly lacks any forgiveness and /or redemption; it is simply  a denial of what Carl Jung said is the need to integrate one's shadow. Further the haters, with little to no life experience, use contemporary values to judge the past without realizing they will be judged  just as harshly for their current behavior which will be deemed completely unacceptable in the future by the next generation of self-aggrandized wokesters . In other words its a live and die by the sword existence, where people are so frightened and ashamed of their hidden anti-social and racist feelings, they must lash out at others thinking it will somehow square things with their refusal to accept their own shadows.

Unfortunately the woke /cancel culture ends up harming a lot of good people who most of these purveyors of woke are simply unworthy to judge. In essence the Democrat woke/ cancel is based purely on narcissism. It is a bizzaro take on the Christian parable, that if they cast stones it will somehow absolve them of the fact that they are human and therefore imperfect and irredeemable broken.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Transgender Women Live a Life of Gender Misappropriation

I find it horrorific that after over a century of hard fought women's rights, the left has  decided these rights should now exclude woman and now belong to men who simply identify as women. This also includes women's hard fought equity in sports programs that are also being invaded and sometimes taken over by trans men. It has literally become the case that Democrats have decided the rights of men with gender  dysmorphia (and those faking gender dysmorphia to victimize women) take presidence over the rights and safety of women. In other words, the left, like it did with the working class, has completely abandoned women rights for the privilege of a minority of men; if ever there was a war on women this is it. 

The other issue facing the transgender war on women is the fact that women in most societies are protected and for very good reasons. First women are weaker than men, they also bear children; neither is true about transgender men. If a male has gone through puberty, he will have all the muscular and skeletal advanges of a male for the rest of his life, even with testosterone blockers and reassignment surgery. In essence transgender men illegitimately misappropriate the protections society has given women. Unlike Transgender misappropriation, cultural misappropriation is fallacy, the actions it pretends to definite are nothing more than mankind's incredibly strong desire to imitate what it sees as productive or pleasurable; in other words if is one of the driving forces of biological evolution, but transgender misappropriation steals from women and by doing so eliminates any possiblity of equity.

This has also been part of the way Critical Race Theory is being taught in both universities and K12. CRT is being used to discount and demonize science and math. Particular to this discussion CRT teaches gender and biological sex are the same, both being purely of social construct, resulting in the demonization of the science of biology and those stating simple biological facts, who are being declared transphobic and ostracized from schools, academic and even non-academic employment. It is literally become a form of totalitarianism where people are being forced to renounce reality; if you can force people to deny what they know is factual, you will have complete control over them. ‘Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.’ George Orwell 

Women are being told they should accept intact males (in one poll 23% of transsexuals said they are heterosexual*) into their previously safe places. Specifically lesbians are told to accept (even as sexual partners) intact trans men that identify as lesbians, and women of all ages and sexual persuasions need to just deal with being in close proximity to naked men with penises. In essence we should all be TERFs** in order to protect the women in our society.

**Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

The Lie of Democrat Inclusion

Since President Obama, the Democrats made what appears to be a permanent turn to the extreme left; the days of the party of the working class and Bluedog (aka fiscally conservative) Democrats simply disappeared in a puff of progressive smoke. Interestingly the Democrats made no secret of their abandoning of the middle class worker, which is literally neocommunist saying they no longer cared about the proletariat; instead they were about inclusion and developing a collective of minorities and the oppressed. But something strange happened along the way, instead of being inclusive, they became exclusive to only those with a similar world view. And like the Communist Party of the 1950, you are either all in or cast out as a hater and racist.

What quickly has become apparent is Democrats now judge any and every identity as political. In other words, you are not black due to the color of your skin, but by your political worldview. Blacks that don't kowtow to the the primarily white Democrat political worldview are labeled black white supremacist; homosexuals with a conservative political view are homophobic and racist; conservative women are misogynist and racist, conservative Hispanics are called white Hispanics and even those that believe in human sexual biology are transphobic and of course racist. 

The point being that Democrats are not inclusive or even invested in identity politics, they call anyone, regardless of their identity racist if they vary in the lest from the new Democrat political worldview and further redefine identity by the same worldview. In other words you can not be black, Hispanic, female, homosexual, or transsexual if you don't think like they do. I really believe most Democrats think this is insane, but most must think they must play along or be ejected and have there political lives ruined forever.


Understanding Opiate Addiction

Many, even doctors do no understand why people become addicted to opiates. First it's important to understand that taking opiates mimics what the body does naturally. Opiates can disrupt this natural process which can lead to addiction. The natural system that opiates mimic is primarily the Dopamine system. Simplified, Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that your body uses to reward, reinforce positive behavior and relieve pain (it can also be the agent of feeling awe and belonging). Again simplified your body has a reservoir of Dopamine and a number of Dopamine/ opiate receptors. When you do something that is positive for your body (eating, exercising, having sex), your brain rewards you by releasing Dopamine which is absorbed by your Dopamine/ opiate receptors and you feel good; the Dopamine will then be recycled back into the reservoir. Interestingly, your brain also releases Dopamine when you listen to music, meditate and pray among other things we really don't understand. As I said it also relives pain. If you have ever stubbed your toe or caught you fingers in a door, you will remember after about 30 seconds to a minute, you will have a warm feeling and the pain will subside for a short while; this is the Dopamine system at work. It is also worth noting that opiates are a narcotic, which means it systemically slows down the workings of the body, including the heart; take too much and the heart will stop. To counter this a substance called NARCAN is available. What NARCAN does is block the Dopamine/ opiate receptors which counters the affect of the opiates.

When you take opiates, they mimic Dopamine but it flushes your Dopamine/ opiate receptors with a massive amount of a Dopamine like chemical, you feel very rewarded, and the pain goes away. The problem is your body is designed to be very efficient and frugal. Because opiates create an excess amount of Dopamine, as you continue to take opiates, your body reacts to what it sees as an overabundance, so depletes it's reservoir of Dopamine and starts shutting down receptors; this is what causes a tolerance to opiates requiring you to take more to get the same effect. 

If you stop taking the opiates, you will then go through a withdrawal period as the remnants of the opiates you are taking is processed out of your body, refereed to as detox. If that were all there was to opiate use and addiction would not be the problem that it is. First, this is a physical addiction. After the detox period, there is still the issue of your body returning to homeostasis, eg normal. Your body does not immediately refill it's reservoir with Dopamine and turn the opiate receptors back on; this can take, weeks, months and even years and is referred to as PAWS or Post Acute Withdraw Symptoms. During this time, your body will not be able reward you for almost anything, this is the misery of withdrawal. Nothing that you do will result in your feeling good, just the constant pain that goes along with being alive with no positive reinforcement for anything that you do. The two exceptions seem to be the relief of extreme pain and submersion in "hot as you can stand" water; the relief of/by extreme pain response can result in self injury simply to reduce the withdraw or PAWS.

Further there is also the physiological addiction, where the user even after their system has returned to something approaching normal (the tolerance they developed may never completely go away), will forever want to experience the initial high the had with their first opiate use. I also find it disingenuous to say opiates are safe when taken as directed. Again the problem is tolerance and dependency can begin almost immediately, and if the doctor is not monitoring the patient, their opiate use can quickly spiral out of control. In other words, a prescribing doctor should assume if not properly monitored, a patient will start abusing their medication, simply because of the known additive nature of the drug.

I have heard that addiction is nothing more than weakness or a lack of self control; well yes and no. First of all, as I explained there is a physiological reason for addiction that goes beyond simply taking opiates to feel good. Most that become addicted to opiates  do not start off as drug abusers, they are usually prescribed opiates by a doctor to relive pain. However, since many doctors don't really understand the nature of drug addiction, they do a very poor job of monitoring their patients whom they have prescribed opiates, which can lead to opiate dependence and addiction. People also react to opiates in different ways. To some opiates cause them to be drowsy and out of touch, however others react in an opposite way. With many people opiates cause a feeling of exhilaration and added energy, these are the people most likely to become addicted. Further, people vary greatly in their ability to withstand withdrawal symptoms and/or PAWS. This is not really a matter of will power, but more a matter genetics and/or environmental factors. Further, the use of opiates also reduce ones ability to withstand low level pain without the use of opiates; in other words, ones pain threshold is significantly reduced with the use of opiates, because the body has fewer resources to deal with low level pain. 

To put all this in prospective, as a result of the Covid-19 lock downs, more than 100,000 people a year (2020 and 2021) have died from over dosing of opiates (an increase of 28% over 2019), making opiate addiction approximately the number 8 cause of deaths in the US. While the increase of fentanyl (fentanyl is 50 times more potent than heroin which makes dosing much more difficult and potentially fatal)  laced drugs is partially to blame, but the Covid-19 lock downs have caused universal increases in drug and alcohol use/ abuse, depressions and other mental breakdowns, suicides and domestic violence. To say that these overdoses by drug addicts are all simply the lack of self control would seem to be based on ignorance as it completely ignores the physiological causes and the lack of opiates being properly administered by seemingly clueless medical professionals.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Mainstream Media Forced the Riddenhouse Narrative so Hard it Broke

In my last blog I showed how practically everything that was written by the mainstream media about the Riddenhouse trial was a lie. What has also become obvious is this was to force their white supremacy narrative for which they have few if any real examples to report on.

Here are some examples I posted earlier; "Riddenhouse is a white supremacist"; the truth is Riddenhouse is not associated with any groups at all, other than idolizing police officers. "Riddenhouse carried his AR-15 across state lines"; no Riddenhouse Ar-15 was bought for him by a friend who lives in Kenosha and was kept their by his friend (every lying account says he crossed state lines with his AR-15,  as if there was something wrong or illegal about it, but neither is true. The lie is likely looking for a nexus to a federal violation so the FBI and DOJ could charge Riddenhouse with a federal violation). "Riddenhouse was a vigilante"; no, Riddenhouse went to Kenosha to protect property and provide first aid to those who were injured in the rioting (prior to the shootings he was filmed discussing this very thing as he showed off his first-aid kit).
 Riddenhouse actually spent the previous day removing graffiti from a school in Kenosha. 

Probably the worst attempt to force the white supremacist narrative was several mainstream reports that Riddenhouse shot three black men, even though they were white; one was a child rapist, one had a history of domestic violence and the surviving subject was pointing a hand gun at Riddenhouse, when Riddenhouse shot him. 

There is also the fact "The riots were sparked by the officer-involved shooting of Jacob Blake, a black man. Blake is still alive, though everyone on the left thought he was dead. This was the first sign that liberal America has no clue what's going on." From 

There are also those playing the what if game. What if Riddenhouse had been black? Would the outcome had been the same? The left says no, but they reality is we don't know. First and foremost, race was simply not a fact in this case, but the left can't let it go. As my dad used to say, if the dog would not have stopped to shit it would have caught the rabbit; or would it have? Rabbits are fast and live in holes in the ground. What didn't happen, didn't happen; there numerous scenarios that could have played out from a murder conviction  to tha DA not even filing charges, but the outcome can never be known so the speculation is nothing more than race  baiting.

Finally we have a slew of elected Democrats villianizing Riddenhouse, calling him a white supremacist and vigilante, before any facts were known and even after he was found not guilty. President Biden is especially guilty of this, saying he was angry at the verdict even though he admitted not following the trial and refused to comment on his earlier and unsubstantiated accusation that Riddenhouse was a white supremacist. 

Fortunately, as a result of the press coverage of the verdict, at least the fact the subjects shot by Riddenhouse were white is becoming more common knowledge, and people are finally starting to question, how a white kid, shootings three white men is the act of a white supremacist.

Friday, November 19, 2021

The Blood From Kyle Riddenhouse Acquittal Riots On the Hands of the Lying Media

This post contains large parts of an article reposted by Bari Weiss. Since the post is available only to those that pay a fee, I can't link to it directly, but have included the title and a link to substack.

The Media's Verdict on Kyle RittenhouseWhy so many got this story so wrong.

The left has sceamed to anyone that will listen, Kyle Riddenhouse is a "17 year old white supremacist domestic terrorist drove across state lines, armed with an AR 15. He shot and killed 2 people who had assembled to affirm the value, dignity, and worth of Black lives"; most of this is a complete fabrication. As shown below, the mainstream media lied and lied and lied and lied ... about what really happened.

"First, the idea that Kyle Rittenhouse was a white supremacist.

There was zero evidence that Rittenhouse was connected to white supremacist groups at the time of the shooting. He was a Trump supporter, yes, though he wasn’t old enough to vote. He was an admirer of police and firefighters, also true. He was a lifeguard. He’d been part of a “police explorer” program, and was also a firefighter/EMT cadet with the fire department in Antioch, Illinois, where he lived with his mom and two sisters.

That Rittenhouse had no connection to Kenosha.

In addition to having a job in Kenosha, Rittenhouse testified that much of his family lived there: his father, his grandma, his aunt and uncle, and his cousins. He also testified that on the morning of the shootings, he went downtown with his sister and friends to see the damage done by rioting the night before, and spent about two hours cleaning graffiti off of the local high school.

That Rittenhouse drove across state lines with a gun that night to oppose the protests.

This was a line that we heard constantly—never mind that Antioch, Illinois, is about 20 miles from Kenosha, Wisconsin. As the trial has shown, Kyle Rittenhouse did not travel to Kenosha to oppose protesters. He testified under oath that he had traveled to Kenosha for his job the night before the shootings, and was staying at a friend’s house. 

So what about the gun?

Rittenhouse didn’t bring the gun to Kenosha. The gun was purchased for Rittenhouse months earlier by a friend and stored in Kenosha at the home of that friend’s stepfather, as then-17-year-old Rittenhouse was too young to purchase it.

But it was illegal for him to even have the gun given that he wasn’t yet 18 years old, right?

That is not true. Under Wisconsin law, 17-year-olds are prohibited from carrying rifles only if they are short-barreled. The weapon Rittenhouse was carrying was not short-barreled. Which is why, during closing arguments, the court threw out the charge.

He was out there looking for a fight, and he got one: He killed two people and severely wounded a third.

Unless there’s evidence we haven’t seen, there’s no clear indication that Rittenhouse sought to kill anyone. What we know is that he showed up with a first aid kit and an AR-15-style rifle. Video evidence, and Rittenhouse’s own testimony, indicates that he offered medical assistance to protestors and ran with a fire extinguisher to try to put out fires—and that later, after being pursued, he killed two people, Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, and severely wounded a third. Both video evidence and the only living person that Rittenhouse shot that night, Gaige Grosskreutz, undermined the idea that Rittenhouse was simply an aggressor looking for a fight. During cross examination Grosskreutz acknowledged that Rittenhouse shot him only after Grosskreutz had pointed his own gun at Rittenhouse. Here’s how it went down:

Prosecutor: When you were standing three to five feet from him with your arms up in the air, he never fired, right?

Grosskreutz: Correct. 

Prosecutor: It wasn't until you pointed your gun at him, advanced on him with your gun—now your hand’s down pointed at him—that he fired, right? 

Grosskreutz: Correct.

Had the people Rittenhouse shot, as Pressley claims, “assembled to affirm the value, dignity, and worth of Black lives”?

Watch this video of Joseph Rosenbaum and ask yourself if that is how you would describe this person:


Rosenbaum, 36, had spent years of his life in prison because he was a convicted sex offender. The morning he was killed, Rosenbaum was released from a Milwaukee hospital where he had been admitted after a suicide attempt. Ryan Balch, another witness for the prosecution, testified that Rosenbaum threatened both Balch and Rittenhouse saying, “If I catch you guys alone tonight, I’m gonna fucking kill you.”

The point is the left has a message and it will lie and destroy lives to try and push their agenda. So bad is their propaganda, they have resorted to callings blacks white supremacist if they do not parrot the world view of their self appointed old white Democrat masters; yes Democrat Jim Crow never died and is still alive with  the main street media and CRT that demands the return of segregation a the reason is the same as was voiced by the racist Southern Democrats; it's for their protection.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

CRT Nuance Does Not Belong in K12

I recently watched a podcast were an elitist progressive countered a parent's argument regarding having a say in their child's education, by saying the parents don't understand  the nuance of being an educator. It made me think that there really is no, or should not be any nuance in K12 education. The children need to learn reading, writing, arithmetic, history and civics. Nuance only enters the picture when teachers try to interject indoctrination and social engineering. This of course is from the Democrats that have a history of racism that goes back to their inception. And all anyone has to do is read the racist statements President Biden has made throughout his career to know it has not stopped (when candidate  Obama first came on the scene Biden remarked  on how remarkable it was he has an articulate and clean black man; apparently viewing other black politicians as inarticulate  and dirty).  A good example is CRT, which is one of the most racist theories ever created. It reverses MLK Jr dream of a color blind society where people are judged by the content of their character,  to a hellish world where one is only judged by their identity and assuming all individuals  within any group all think the same and are constantly being assailed and subjugated by the white race. This goes along with the Democrat skewed version of identity politics, where minorities are defined not by the color of their skin, sex or sexual preference, but by their political worldview. As then candidate Joe Biden said, if you don't vote Democrat, you're not black. IOW, unless you kowtow to the old white Democrat elite, you can not even define yourself by your own skin color. The point being, in most ways, the Democrats only play identity politics if the person identifies as a Democrat, other wise they do not have the right to identify themselves by their sex, skin color sexual preference; you either kowtow with the Democrat elite or you are a white supremacist, regardless of your skin color (nothing brings out Democrat's blatant  racism than a black conservative; it is truly appalling to listen to such vile and naked hatred that the left has for blacks that don't kowtow to old white liberals thinking; its black liberalsthat are the true ventriloquist dummies. And this is what CRT teaches.

Monday, July 12, 2021

The Extreme Racsim of CRT and the Left

 Proverbs 24

30 I walked by the field of a lazy person,
the vineyard of one with no common sense.
31 I saw that it was overgrown with nettles.
It was covered with weeds,
and its walls were broken down.
32 Then, as I looked and thought about it,
I learned this lesson:
33 A little extra sleep, a little more slumber,
a little folding of the hands to rest—
34 then poverty will pounce on you like a bandit;
scarcity will attack you like an armed robber.
If one is to take CRT  (Critical Race Theory), as it is being taught in K-12, the question needs to be asked, what do the positive social behaviors of western culture with the accusations of“white-supremacy"; examples are showing up on time, the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) “worship of the written word,” “individualism” and “objectivity” "competence". "merit", "integration", equality,  and even "diversity". CRT is a race obsessive belief system, that started in US Law Schools, but quickly expanded into the humanities and is now being forced in public schools (K-12) that teaches racial hatred and  tribalism, where one's identity or tribe defines them, resulting in white supremacy and racial; one could actually say that CRT creates a white supremacy worldview where it did even exist before. And this is not even necessarily of social construct, but a result of your birth, or a birth right so to speak.   It also teaches that western culture has rigged society from it's inception in a way to keep the white race in power and  oppress minorities, specifically blacks. The idea that one can be born an oppressor is the same argument Hitler made about the Jews, so you have CRT and groups like antifa and BLM, embracing the most chilling aspect of NAZI fascism.

Much of this is warmed over Marxism Critical Theory where economic inequality, is replaced with racial oppressor vs the oppressed; in essence it's about giving up individual freedoms in the name of the security and fairness rabbit hole; IOW everyone be economically reduced to the lost common denominator with equal oppression. What has been added is the racism that has always been endemic in leftist intellectualism, specifically against blacks.. The fact is the left views blacks as inferior, so any argument of  equality of opportunity is moot in the mind of the left Intelligentsia. What is the point of a level playing field if one the of the teams is so inferior that are simply incapable of winning, regardless of any advantage or lack there of. If one looks at the history of western culture, there has always been a emphases on intelligence, aka cognitive ability. But if you are of the belief that blacks lack the cognitive ability of other races, than one could say, as does the left, that the deck is always been stacked against blacks even when equality of opportunity exists. BTW, I say blacks because the left has concentrated on the black race for the majority of their rhetoric (eg BLM) and it is the black race that is the primary victim of Democrat and left wing racism.

In many ways CRT is simply a hyper version of what has been called the soft racism from the left (BTW there is no such thing as soft racism, it is just as hard core racist as southern Democrat slavery). For years, Democrats in the US have insisted that blacks simply can not compete against whites, with or without a level playing field, hence affirmative action and black studies,  programs designed to circumvent the lack of preparedness for higher education, much of which is due the poor education and the lack of socialization of blacks in Democrat run cities. These government run ghettos, where gang warfare, rampant drug use, poverty,  and a lack of family structure, has lead to a lack of education and a predisposition towards the lack of personal responsibility, based on ones victim-hood. For decades blacks have been told they are not to blame for their anti-social behavior, yet their anti-social behavior is the primary barrier that stops blacks from becoming part of mainstream America and economic prosperity. This is true, even though the leadership demographics of these run these cities, are almost always a large black majority, yet the social justice warriors of CRT blames the oppression of  blacks is the result of them having been excluded from positions responsibility and power. This history of the destruction of the black family and culture due to the lefts belief in black inferiority was well documented by Lawrence Soloman   Systemic Racism Exists

So what does CRT offer? The answer is chilling; social disintegration and racial hatred in the name of fairness. The end game is of course Communism; make western culture the scapegoat of the fact that life lacks fairness, lie about the fact that blacks are excluded from power and decision making and offer up totalitarian forced equality (aka equity) as the answer. In other words fairness at all costs, even if it destroys the free world and makes everyone hate each other to do it. But even worse, by creating the myth that one can be born racist solely on ones identity,  CRT  teaches children how to be racists, instilling in them something akin to racial hatred in the name of indoctrination toward a political belief system that has always been based on lies. "They knew what they were doing was a lie. I knew what they were doing was a lie. Everybody here knows what they were doing is a lie. They know that we know they’re lying and yet they continue to lie and they lied and they lied and they lied." If the 20th century taught us anything it is the end result of totalitarian utopia is worse than death, it is living hell