Sunday, October 26, 2014

Obama Prepares for Executive Amnesty; Orders 31 million Green Card Blanks

On of the best ways to discover what the Obama Whitehouse is up to is to review government solicitations "drafts"; this is the methods in which government entities gets quotes for services.  Below a solicitation for what is commonly refereed to a Permanent Resident Alien Green Cards.

Solicitation Number: HSSCCG-14-R-00028
Agency: Department of Homeland Security
Office: Citizenship & Immigration Services
Location: USCIS Contracting Office

USCIS Contracting will be posting a solicitation for the requirement of Card Stock used by the USCIS Document Management Division. The objective of this procurement is to provide card consumables for the Document Management Division (DMD) that will be used to produce Permanent Resident Cards (PRC) and Employment Authorization Documentation (EAD) cards. The requirement is for an estimated 4 million cards annually with the potential to buy as many as 34 million cards total. The ordering periods for this requirement shall be for a total of five (5) years.   However part of the Draft was subsequently expunged after it was reported by Breitbart (but still available here "In addition, the Contractor shall demonstrate the capability to support potential “surge” in PRC and EAD card demand for up to 9M cards during the initial period of performance to support possible future immigration reform initiative requirements."

So President Obama's Department of Homeland security is planning on a surge of 4-9 million aliens a year (or 34 Million over 5 years) that will be receiving Permanent Resident Cards; this will increase the population of the US by about 10 %.  A USCIS official told MailOnline on Monday that the draft was published 'in case the president makes the move we think he will, obama-readies-executive-order-illegal-aliens The President Obama's Press Secretary Josh Earnest was asked about the solicitation draft, he first responded that questions about the draft was a “relatively clever way” of trying to predict Obama’s decision". When pressed further Earnest made the ludicrous comment “You would have to ask the DHS about orders of green colored papers that they’ve ordered?” What? President Obama, through his official representative has reached a height of hubris never seen before in Presidential politics. Even the press corp sat stunned with one reporter shouting “Don’t be absurd with us!” replied White House CBS reporter Major Garrett. “That’s not just an ordinary piece of paper it’s central to what the president has promised in public to do" White-House-Order-For-Surge-of-Immigration-ID-s-For-Ongoing-Operations

So what would the affect of an additional 34 million amnestied immigrants. According the  Center for Immigration Studies, "Based on the 1986 amnesty, we estimate that incomes for uninsured illegal aliens would rise modestly after legalization, leaving 3.1 million (out of 3.4 million) uninsured illegal immigrants qualified for Medicaid".. "The estimated cost of providing Medicaid coverage to 3.1 million amnestied illegal immigrants would be $8.1 billion annually." So not counting the surge of patients that would probably leave state Medicaid systems overwhelmed and impossible to utilize, an increase of even 31 million amnestied immigrants would cost an additional  $81 billion a year. Further since, " During the budget period 2014-2019, in which Medicaid expansion takes effect, covering 3.1 million amnestied immigrants would conservatively cost taxpayers $48.6 billion"; an increase of 31 million amnestied immigrants would cost $480 billion over 5 years . medicaid-costs ; While I remain very skeptical of Liberal conspiracy scenarios, it is difficult not to equate President Obama's amnesty plans to the; Cloward–Piven strategy that called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a national system of "a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty". Cloward–Piven

It is also common knowledge that the electorate does not want President Obama's Executive Amnesty plan by a wide margin 63% to 22%; but the issue is much larger than that. President Obama himself has stated "There are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system that for me to simply through executive order ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as President.“ President Obama has said that if congress doesn't act on immigration, he will; ignoring the point that it is red letter illegal. Not only would this executive action not conform to the appropriate role as President, it would also be a violation of the Constitution's separation of powers. So President Obama knows that his Executive Amnesty  is a violation of his office and extremely unpopular, so just in case there a few voters that would not vote for a Democrat if the President goes through with his Executive Amnesty, he is waiting until the mid term election has passed; this and other political decisions based on the unpopularity of his policies, President Obama will surely go down as the most liberal and blatantly political President the US has ever known. 

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