Thursday, May 25, 2023

Woke Theology; the End of the Morality Play

It's inaccurate to believe that love conquers all is a proper theme. Practically every thing ever written (including movies and games) are not about love, rather they are morality plays. Certainly love is a part, but the central theme is not love, it's about what love drives you to. Do you do the right thing or the wrong thing and if you do the wrong thing, do you repent (meaning change your mind) and make things right? The purveyors of woke philosophy, such as the new Disney wants to change this by presenting woke theology and transgenderism, giving up everything you know is right and pretend the world is as every person individually wants it to be, ignoring science, biology and critical thinking, because they all show the folly in such a world view where all areas of pathology are celebrated as a life choices and anything curative is viewed as hatred and labeled a phobia. In essence woke theology is just giving up on reality because it is too painful and creating a dream world to replace the harsh truths of reality and the struggle of being alive.

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