Wednesday, July 8, 2020

BLM Is Only Their Name

There is a lot of confusion about Black Lives Matter. The reason is obvious, with a name like BLM, one would naturally assume the organization purpose is to stop the taking of black lives; and you would be wrong. BLM is not a civil rights organization, they do nothing to help anyine, they are a political organization, BLM is just their name;in other words a marketing ploy. BLM is an anti-police, anti-America, pro-Marxists, and more in line with pro-Marxist terrorists groups like Antifa that use violence to achieve their end of a mythical Marxist utopia, that historically has led to mass graves. This is why BLM does not respond to questions about the thousands of blacks killed in Democrat controlled cities, as it does not forward their Marxist agenda; IOW black on black murder is not their issue, as the only black lives that matter to them are those associated with police contacts they can use to protest, riot, and show their disdain for America.

What BLM does do is capitalize on their continual claims of systemic racism aka white privilege. To prove such an non-issue they use the tried and true Democrat fallacy that correlation proves causation; IOW if a higher percentage of blacks are involved in the criminal justice system, it proves the criminal Justice system is racist. Never mind a high percentage of blacks live in Democrat ghettos with poor education, pandemic gang violence, drug use and of course poverty. Another issue that has been pointed out is most blacks children do not live in a stable home environment, where fathers are often not present. This is an issue for BLM but it's not what you think. Rather than encourage families to stay together, they disdain the concept of family. This is of course consistent with Marxist doctrine that says your children belong to the state and need to be taken from you at an early age to be indoctrinated as not to allow their minds being polluted with concepts of individual rights and freedom, over collective oppression (remember their is no such thing as collective rights, only government tyranny). 

As I discussed before, Americans have not been very receptive to Marxism, so instead BLM is using racism as the excuse to tear down America and replace it with a government controlled socialist state. Interestingly enough the likes of  Rep. Ilhan Omar,  Minnesota Democrat has claimed America is a “system of oppression (eg Capitalism)” in all sectors and must be torn down; her answer on the other hand, is the horribly oppressive system of Marxism with it's dehumanizing collective forced equality. One of the most obvious tactics is the attempt to stifle the free speech; they actually believe in the Marxist concept that speech they don't agree with should be treated as a physical assault, and to push their agenda accusing anyone that doesn't agree with their Marxist worldview as racist and has convinced corporate America to kowtow to their demands as they seek to destroy anyone taht dares exercise any free speech against them.  It's doubtful this will work, but the damage that will be done to the country will take decades to repair, and by using racism to try and forward their agenda, and will set race relations back 50 years.

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