Thursday, September 20, 2018

Another Ambush by the Democrats

 So, Judge Kavanuagh has been accused of a sexual assault that occured when he was 17 YO 36 years ago.The accuser in the incident, Christine Blasey Ford, is a Democratic activist that has attended several anti- President Trump rallies; specifically in belief that President Trump will some how end legal abortion. One of the primary Democrat talking points is SCOTUS candidate Kananugh will also end legal abortion. So there is a very strong purpose behind Ms Ford pushing this questionable assault accusation. If you were told you could single handedly save legal abortions, would you be willing to subject yourself to this level of scrutiny? One issue is that there is no evidence whatsoever that the incident occurred, none the less that Kavanuagh was involved. The victim does not know when are where it happened, doesn't remember how she got to the location, nor what happened afterwards. The only information she has is there were to males besides Kavanaugh, and both those persons have been contacted have made similar statements that they have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do they have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh. There is also the real possibility that through an alcohol induced haze, the accuser misidentified Kavanaugh as her attacker, meaning Kavanaugh was never able to clear his name prior to the passage of over 30 years.

The accuser is now saying she will not appear before the senate until the FBI investigates the incident. The FBI has said they can not by law investigate a criminal case outside federal jurisdiction and the local law enforcement have said no one has contacted them regarding this case. To categorically state it occurred simply becasue you have a theory or feeling she is not lying ignores equal protection under the law. The nature of the crime can not take presidence over the nature of the evidence; as John Adams said, the corner stone of this country, is we are a country of laws, not men. If every women claiming she was assaulted by an individual is allowed to destroy their lives without any evidence, then we will have a country were the rule of law is meaningless.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

McCain not the Republican Voice of Reason

Many Democrats are using John McCain's death to politicize their hatred of President Trump, calling him the GOP voice of reson; so the neocon war hawk that was lockstep with Bush 43 is the voice of reason? John McCain never saw a military solution he didn't like. That includes Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and had harsh words against the Russian incursion into Georgia; in a precursor to his fecklessness Obama stated, "I think it is important at this point for all sides to show restraint and to stop this armed conflict,"(once President, Obama pretty much courted the Russians for the entire 8 years he was in office; the selling of US uranium to Russia was believed tied to Russia backing the Obama/Kerry Iran agreement) "The bitter battle over who's performed best has already begun. A McCain aide calls Obama "bizarrely in sync with Moscow." Obama's campaign suggested McCain had a conflict of interest because his foreign policy advisor, Randy Scheunemann, had lobbied for Georgia." the voice of reason?.

McCain was also vehemently against the Iran agreement, saying he agreed with President Trump. “I did not support the nuclear deal at the time it was proposed, and many of its specific terms will make it harder to pursue the comprehensive strategy we need. In that sense, I agree with the President that the deal is not in the vital national interests of the United States," ...Trump had twice certified Iran's compliance with the deal. But on Friday, he declared that Iran had violated the "spirit" of the accord with its non-nuclear behavior, citing its support for Assad and militant groups in the Middle East in addition to its ballistic-missile program."

McCain also roundly criticized President Obama's Israel policies, referring to the President's rhetoric as a "temper tantrum". McCain's also condemned President Obama's feckless Ukraine policy, calling the President, "the most naive president in history." This was consistent with McCains worldview of Russia, stating at one point “[Vladimir] Putin is not America’s friend, nor merely a competitor,” McCain said. “Putin is America’s enemy, not because we wish it so but because he has chosen to be.”
The left now calls McCain the voice of reason is becasue he was a "never Trumper", to the point of sending an emissary to pickup the fabricated Trump dossier, and passed it on to Comey, not knowing the FBI already had a copy. Further McCain was the key vote that stopped the Senate from repealing Obamacare.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Seperated families and conflating with NAZIs

 In the debate over separating children from their families at the Southern Border, Democrats seem comfortable that while President Obama locked up hundred of thousands of unaccompanied minors in sordid conditions, he did not separate most them from their families. What the Democrats want you to ignore is the fact every unaccompanied minor is the result of separated family and the flood of unaccompanied minors that showed up on the Southern border was the result of President Obama policy of giving unaccompanied minors a pass into the country.  The Democrats also bemoan the  lasting affects of children being separated from their families; how is this different from what unaccompanied minors have been through, where they were no only separated from their families but had to travel unaccompanied an extremely dangerous trip of near 2000 miles, where many of the unaccompanied minors  had to endure attacks, robberies and the females rape. Certainly this will also have a lasting affect on their psyche

At least the media is covering what is going on and President Trump is trying to change a poorly thought out policy. Now the left is accusing President Trump of suspension of due process. The immigration policies have been broken for decades, and now the left expects President Trump to fix it with just a phone and a pin; something of course that is the suspension of due process.

"Donald Trump likes to divide families when they first cross the U.S.-Mexico border; Barack Obama preferred to let them get settled in the interior and then send ICE agents to arrest mommy or daddy at home or work, leaving the children behind...During the Obama years, more than 40,000 U.S.-born kids whose parents had been deported were dumped into foster care." This compared to the 2000 family separations that occurred under President Trump at the border.
President Obama also caged over 90,000 unaccompanied minors in a tidal wave of foreign nation children that flocked to the border are President Obama said they would get a pass into the country. So the fact is President Obama forced the separation of families with his unaccompanied minors policy. This is much like the Democrats separating fathers from black families when they offered much more welfare money to single mothers, then families still living in poverty.  

The term fascists defines a type of totalitarian collective government that eliminates indivual rights in the name of security, often using reactive violence to quite dissent;  but to the left it means any action they don't like, even though the left is renown for using fascists tactics to crate fear from the puplic and forward their political worldview.  Here is a little education, fascism excludes any president that advocates indivual rights and liberty, as fascists rule is by governmental fiat through more and more suffocating regulations. President Obama increased the power of the government by implementing a slew of regulations all intent on controlling the means of production and trying to create a collective that would kowtow to world governance. President Obama also ignored court orders, while President Trump has adhered to all the court orders from activist judges that have interfered with President Trumps Constitution powers; he complained but he followed them and waited for a Supreme court ruling that have found on his side every time. A fascist regime is also against the will of the people because the powers that be know better. This is exemplified by the left making up allegations and forcing a fishing expedition without any predicate crime; which has never happened before in the history of the DOJ; all to overturn a legal election.

The left has also become a apologist for NAZI tactics, as they trivialize the horrors the victims when they conflate the detention of illegal foreign Nationals, to NAZI death camps and other atrocities. The end result is many are ignorant the level of debauchery by the NAZIs. Some of this ignorance comes from the fear of microaggressions (in the case of learning about NAZI atrocities there is nothing "micro") by snowflakes. There are many that would be so traumatized just by reading about the NAZI death camps, they would rather be ignorant of the horrid reality and assume it was no worse that ICE separating families that illegally crossed the border. There is simply nothing that the illegal foreign nationals have experienced that is in any way comparable to being marched into gas chambers. As someone said, the moment one mentions NAZI they have lost the argument.